Alessandro Maganza

Alessandro Maganza (1556 – 1630) was an Italian painter of the Mannerist style, born and active in Vicenza, as well as in Venice.

He likely trained with his father, Giovanni Battista Maganza, also a painter; as well as by Giovanni Antonio Fasolo. He is said to have spent the years 1572–1576 in Venice. His first documented work, Virgin and Child with Four Evangelists (1580) was painted for the monastery built around the basilica and sanctuary of Monte Berico in Vicenza. Maganza also frescoed the inner cupola of Palladio’s famous Villa Rotonda located near Vicenza, with allegorical figures in colour, again recalling the Paolo Veronese; he also executed large ceiling canvases in tempera for the South and West rooms. His style is described as derivative of Palma il Giovane derivative.


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